Wednesday, April 21

Just wanna share :D

Nah, i'm not mean to show off.. Just wanna share. In my leisure time, or when i'm bored, i like to drawing, i'm not a pro yet.. But i hope some day i can be..

Note : Click the image to view it in larger size

This just some of picture that i draw.. At here, the picture look more darker than the original, maybe because i took it using my phone (=.= Nah, kinda weird, my phone have 5 megapix tho...)

Sunday, April 18

Destiny Online Bot

I found this bot cheat when i'm blog walking at google.. i found this site. The author name is Shally Martin. But when i tried to used it i got some error (when i found it, he still haven't write about Destiny online 1.1 raw files). I got many error when i tried by my self.. So i decide to pm him via ym.He teach me one by one (:D thanks bro). Nah stop talking gain, and go to the point okay..
  1. Download This Files First
  2. Then download this files ( Nah, don't worry about virus, trojan, keylogger or whatelse, i'm already scan it using norton internet security 2010 :D)
  3. Extract the rar files and you will get 'raw dstiny bot 1.1 files'
  4. Right click on it and click on edit script
  5. Now you have SciTE editor running, edit the value in WinWaitActive(line 7), WinSetOnTop(line8) and $win(line9).For easy editing the value, please use AutoIt Window Info or Au3Info.exe since this program has the finder tool which you can drag it to the Destiny Bot Window to see the name of the window. You can copy paste the window name from this program directly (You gotta learn how to use this software yourself. But I guaranteed you that it is easy to use)
  6. After you edit the one in line7 try running your bot by double clicking the script files that you already edited and saved. If it is functioning well then you are done. If it is not, please proceed to the next step
  7. Assuming it is not functioning in step line7, then go back to the script and check on the color value which is on the PixelGetColor code. The code will be like this PixelGetColor(461, 39) = 0×397594 where it is to be understand like this PixelGetColor(X-Coordinate, Y-Coordinate) = 0xColorCode
  8. Use AutoIt window info to change the value of the color and the coordinate of the color. But you have to follow this few steps so that it is easy for you to edit
  9. First PixelGetColor code is the bar on the center top that will appear when you click on the monster. You need to choose the coordinate at the tip of the bar so that it wont be interfere with other color such as the life color of the monster or the name of the monster which is usually in black. One tips for getting a suitable coordinate, just look on the bar and think which place will not have a color changes when you kill the monster or you have a monster with long name.
  10. Second PixelGetColor is the bar where you will need to detect your HP. Just drag the AWI (AutoIt Window Info) finder tool to your hp. The coordinate is the place you expect your bot to Auto pot. So of you want to use pot on 50% of life just drag the Finder tool to the middle of the HP.
  11. Third PixelGetColor is for your MP. Just follow the step 12 for this but make sure that you do it on your MP
  12. Fourth PixelGetColor is to see whether there is any monster selected or not. You just need to copy paste the code in 11 but make sure to change the “=” to “<>”. For example PixelGetColor(461, 39) = 0×397594 please change it to PixelGetColor(461, 39) <> 0×397594.
  13. Then Save the file and test it. If it is not functioning, please comment and let me know.

; Destiny Bot 1.1
; By Shally Martin
; Http://

HotKeySet("{END}", "close") ;So that we can press "END" to stop the script in case something goes wrong. ALWAYS do this!

WinWaitActive("Zebra(Robot,New) YourGameName(YourId)--version:") ;The script waits for the window named "xxx" to become active.
WinSetOnTop("Zebra(Robot,New) YourGameName(YourId)--version:", "", 0)
$win = "Zebra(Robot,New) YourGameName(YourId)--version:"
WinMove($win, "", 0, 0)
$k = 1

Until $k = 2 ;Loop Repeated non stop since $k is always 1. So you need to press End key to stop the script

Func _monstersearch()

$w = 1
;$coor = PixelSearch(31, 108, 745, 560, 0x315152)
;$f = 1
;If @error = 0 Then

; Beep(1000, 1000)
;ControlClick($win, "", "", "Left", 1, $coor[0], $coor[1])
;$word = PixelSearch(204, 310, 581, 395, 0xFF0000)
; $f = 2
;Until $f = 2
;genie end
ControlSend($win, "", "", "{Tab}") ;Select Nearest Monstor
ControlSend($win, "", "", "{Tab}") ;Select Nearest Monstor
If PixelGetColor(461, 39) = 0x397594 Then ;If the monster is selected then attack

; Do
; If PixelGetColor(368,66) = 0xFFBA31 Then ;Click ownself
; $LowerLimit = 50
; $UpperLimit =732
; $randomx = Random($LowerLimit,$UpperLimit,1)
; $lowery = 121
; $uppery = 550
; $randomy = Random($lowery,$uppery,1)
; ControlClick($win ,"" ,"" ,"Left", 1, $randomx, $randomy)
; Sleep(2000)
; ControlSend($win ,"" ,"" ,"{Tab}")
; EndIf
; Until PixelGetColor(368,66) <> 0xFFBA31

ControlSend($win, "", "", "2") ;send key 2 for the 2nd Skill
Sleep(1000) ;stop for 1 sec
ControlSend($win, "", "", "1") ;send key 1 for the 1st Skill
Sleep(1000) ;stop for 1 sec
ControlSend($win, "", "", "5")
Sleep(1000) ;stop for 1 sec
If PixelGetColor(107, 62) <> 0xFF7531 Then ;Look if HP is less than specified (Only Instant HP should be used)
ControlSend($win, "", "", "9") ;Press 9 for + instant HP
ControlSend($win, "", "", "3")


If PixelGetColor(79, 73) <> 0x217DFF Then ;Look if MP less than specified (Only Instant MP should be used)
ControlSend($win, "", "", "0") ;Press 0 for + instant MP
ControlSend($win, "", "", "4")
ControlSend($win, "", "", "7")
ControlSend($win, "", "", "8")
ControlSend($win, "", "", "6")
Until PixelGetColor(461, 39) <> 0x397594 ;Keep repeating until the selected monster died

;ControlSend($win, "", "", "{Space}") ;Loot item
;Training Scroll

;Random Move Start
$LowerLimit = 58
$UpperLimit = 715
$randomx = Random($LowerLimit, $UpperLimit, 1)
$lowery = 120
$uppery = 542
$randomy = Random($lowery, $uppery, 1)
ControlClick($win, "", "", "Left", 1, $randomx, $randomy)

$w = 2
Until $w = 2
EndFunc ;==>_monstersearch

Func close() ;This is a function and doesn't actually run unless you tell it to. For example
EndFunc ;==>close
The plus minus of this bot:
  • Plus : it save our gold, or in other word, we don't need to waste our gold / bullion in bots again, useful when we are pretending AFK
  • Minus : sometimes if it meet quest boss or MPC( Monster Pioneer Captain) it will hit it for a few second then go skip to another mobs, if we are not AFK or we put it botting and we chat, it will show number 123456 or what else that is ( that make us hard to chat)
I ever try it on my Priest and warrior, Shally Martin also try on his warrior, and its function go well.Haha i don't care even if Destiny online Game Developer wanna deleted or banned my char. I have leave that game along time ago (hmp maybe) But who cares..

Thursday, April 15

Make your Windows Xp Genuine

Last Sunday, i'm just format my comp. I use the same CD that i used to format my comp. But what the hell??!!! what i found that day is " You are a victims of software bla bla bla.." My desktop gone black. Oh My.. i go searching at google, and finally it. Haha.. But some Anti virus may detect it as virus / trojan. But i'm personally already used it and there are no problem until now.

Read the "Read me first" before install it.

Download the software from here

Wednesday, April 14

New Feature at Adobe Photoshop CS5

because I'm bored, I idly open adobe website just now. I found that they (i mean adobe) will launch Adobe Creative Suite 5 or more or which we known as Adobe CS5. I'm more interest in Adobe Photoshop CS5 and Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended. Just my opinion, i think for the future , there may be many photographer after adobe Photoshop CS5 launch. There are new featured in this Adobe Photoshop CS5.

1. Complex selection made easy
Select specific areas within an image in fewer clicks. Easily select intricate image elements, such as hair; eliminate background color around selection edges; and automatically vary selection edges and perfect masks using new refinement tools

2. Content- Aware Fill
Remove any image detail or object and watch as Content-Aware Fill magically fills in the space left behind. This breakthrough technology matches lighting, tone, and noise so it looks as if the removed content never existed.
I think its similar with "Healing brush tool" but more cool.

3. Extra ordinary painting Effects
Easily change a photograph into a painting or create unique artistic effects with the Mixer Brush, which offers on-canvas color blending, and Bristle Tips, which let you create lifelike, textured brush strokes.

4. Automatic Lens correction
Save time with automatic correction of lens distortions, chromatic aberration, and vignetting. Photoshop CS5 uses an image file's EXIF data to make precise adjustments based on the type of camera and lens you used.

5. Streamlined Creative review
Use Adobe CS Review, part of new Adobe CS Live online services,* to initiate a more secure review without leaving Photoshop. Reviewers can add comments to your images from their browsers, and you see the comments appear automatically on your screen. CS Live services are complimentary for a limited time.

6. Easier UI Management
Use the collapsible Workspace Switcher to quickly navigate and choose among favorite UI configurations. Live workspaces automatically record your UI changes so panels will remain in place even if you switch away for a while.

7. Puppet Warp
Precisely reposition any image element to create a more visually appealing photo. For example, easily straighten an arm that's bent at an awkward angle.
I'm prefer this one, because i think we can manipulation picture to what we want. :D i think we can post our friend picture into embrassing porn picture just got that much easier hahaha

8. New GPU-Accelerate features
Take advantage of GPU-enabled enhancements to everyday tools. Crop with the Rule of Thirds grid; zoom with click-and-scrub functionality; and sample colors with better visualization and the onscreen color picker.

Saturday, April 10

Hack Password

There 1001 maybe more way to get a password .. There is a method using some software to guess the characters that used in password words. There are a lot of software that we can use for hack password..Lets we start..

1 . We have to active hidden file at window explorer first. so go to Tool > Folder Options.
2. After that, choose show hidden files and folder> OK. Now Mozilla database file already shown up.
3. You only need to copy some file
  • Cert8.db
  • Key3.db
  • Signons2.txt (at firefox version 2)
  • Signons3.txt (at firefox version 3)
  • Signons.sqlite ( at firefox version 3.63)
4. You can copy all of these file above from victims computer from drive where victims install the Mozilla Firefox (usually at drive C). Go to Local disk C> Document and Setting > USER ACTIVE (victims host) > application data > Mozilla > profile > (destination folder)

5. After that download Firepassword from this link.
6. To equalize the position of the file at your omputer and my computer, so make a new folder at drive C. Give this folder name "HACT" (C:\HACT). Then extract the program that yopu have download before right in this folder (HACT). Then, make a new folder again inside this HACT folder name "DATA". Then paste the Mozilla database file that you have take from victim's computer in this folder.

7. Go to start menu > run >then type "cmd"
8. type "cd.." ( with 2 dots) > Enter
9. Repeat once again , type "cd.." > Enter
10. Now we go to the folder , type "cd heck" > Enter
11. Then run the fire password with typing "firepassword C:\HACT\data" then Enter.
12. Now see the result by your self =]

Note : * to see the images more clearly, click the images or right click > view images